Great Minds, Outstanding Real Estate Advisory Solutions

Whether you’re new to property development or seasoned to it, each asset and project requires a unique perspective with its own classifications, goals and legalities. Our real estate advisory services bring together an extensive contact base of highly skilled professionals with varying specialities to provide a targeted, layman’s approach to the complex, technical and commercial elements of property. 

Our real estate advisory service is designed to make sure that your real estate assets and objectives are aligned. Our breadth and depth of expertise allows us to guide you seamlessly through the decision-making process, regardless of whether property is your core business or not. 

Our staff and partners are contemporary thinkers who consider and appreciate what you want to achieve beyond physical real estate aspirations. Therefore, we value and incorporate all aspects of your circumstances, goals and requirements into our real estate advisory to provide holistic advice giving you confidence to make make informed decisions about your options and next steps. 

Our experience across multiple asset types and sectors include:  

Property audit, lease audit and property portfolio audits

Audit and Review.

Whether you’re an asset owner, landlord or tenant any decision made is only as good as the accuracy of the information it is based on. Accurate records of your real estate assets and leases are imperative to ensure you are maximising your returns, recovering all outgoings you are entitled to, or not paying those you are not obliged to. Either through a general review or a detailed audit, we can ensure you’re on track. 

  • Lease audit 

  • Portfolio audit 

Real estate advisory services

Strategic Advice

Through experience we understand how to unlock value within your real estate assets and optimise your portfolio through the entire property life cycle. As such, we are able to provide finely-tuned strategic advice and identify the most beneficial products and strategy for your property development success. 

  • Portfolio Rationalisation 

  • Highest and best use analysis 

  • Capital Recycling 

  • Business case development and evaluation 

  • Identifying portfolio opportunities and unlocking value 

Capital Transactions, acquisitions and options

Transaction Management.

JLC Property Group have been privileged to have advised on the acquisition, asset disposal and conveyancing, and tenancy management of hundreds of residential, commercial and large scale development sites. Our attention to detail and strength in deal structuring and negotiation enables us to maximise your return on investment. 

  • New site acquisition (leasehold and freehold) and deal structuring 

  • Negotiations 

  • Asset Disposal 

  • Due diligence 

  • Conveyancing and tenancy management 

development advisory and property development advisory

Project Planning and Delivery.

Our qualified and friendly team are hands-on from start to finish bringing together all aspects of your project so your development is hassle free, delivered on scope, on time and on budget. From initial discussions, negotiations and planning through to statutory approvals and tendering, we pride ourselves on our targeted advisory services, transparent communication and efficiency throughout the process. 

  • Master Planning 

  •  Project design and documentation 

  • Consultant management 

  • Securing Planning and Statutory approvals  

  • Costing and Tendering 

  • Contract Negotiations 

  • Construction management 

Contact us today to discuss your next project